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How to Improve Your Balance

Improving balance is a very common concern and something I get asked about very frequently! This is a short exercise program that can be...

Abs in Neutral Spine

I have put together some abdominal exercises that avoid flexion, or bending forward. These exercises are appropriate for all types of...

Quick Pilates Ab Series

This is a great, intermediate level abdominal-focused workout that can be done by itself or you can add it in to another workout. These...

Pilates for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is very common among the aging population. I wanted to share a few of the exercises that I often choose for my osteo...

Modifications for Wrist Pain

Wrist pain is common and is something that can be bothersome during an exercise program. The great news is that there are plenty of...

5 Beginner Pilates Mat Exercises

New to pilates? Mat work is the best place to start and aside from a Mat, you literally need no equipment to get started! I have chosen a...

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