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My Top 5 Pieces of Home Exercise Equipment

PhysInc Pilates

My Top 5 Pieces of Home Exercise Equipment

There is so much exercise equipment available out there.. How do you know what to choose? I have great news! You don't need much and you don't have to spend a lot of money! I have chosen 5 of my go-to pieces based on 3 criteria:

1. Function: I know that I want to strengthen my whole body, but most importantly, my major core stablizer muscles and body movers (Glutes, hamstrings, quads, adductors, abdominals, lats, shoulders). So I've chosen my equipment based on how they can serve me in these areas.

2. Size: Most of us do not have tons of space to store equipment. I also think about traveling because I want to be able to take my workout with me wherever I go.

3. Cost: I don't want to spend a ton of money.

So here it is: My Top 5 Must Haves!

1. A set of looped resistance bands. The cost is about $11 on Amazon and you get a set of 5 different resistant bands. These are great for strengthening muscles around the hip: hip abduction, banded glute bridges, clams, etc.

2. One long resistance band (not looped, but free at the ends). This is great for back, shoulder and arm work: Rows, shoulder raises and presses, reverse fly, bicep curls, triceps press, etc.

3. Small stability ball (7.5 -10 inches). This is great for adductor (inner thigh) work, spinal mobility and abdominal work.

4. Foam Roller. I love my foam roller! Not just for muscle release and spinal mobility work, but it is a great tool for exercises! You can use it for abdominal exercises, hamstring exercises and bridging, etc. Hmmm.. this sounds like another blog post in the making? These are not as easy to travel with, but for home it's a must have! Note: There are different densities that you can choose from. I like the high density roller, but you can look for a softer roller if you want something less intense. I have listed both options below.

High Density roller:

Soft Roller:

5. Lacrosse Ball. Now this I really only use for muscle release, but I can't live without it! Before any major workout, I use my foam roller and lacrosse ball to prep my body. It's kind of like giving yourself a quick deep-tissue massage. It is also excellent to travel with - after long plane rides or drives it helps me loosen up stiff muscles.

So there you go! For about $70 bucks you can have all the home fitness equipment you need to get a well-rounded workout. Please comment below if you have any questions about this post.

Thank you for all of your feedback!


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