I get lots and lots of questions about diet and weight loss. While I am no longer doing nutritional coaching (sorry guys and girls), I am happy to offer advice and provide resources. If you are trying to lose weight, no matter what method you go with - it all adds up to simple science: Calories in versus calories out. If you are burning more energy than you are consuming, you will lose weight. If you are consuming more than your are expending, you will gain weight. This is why I am a believer in tracking of some sort. Even if it's just for a week so that you can see how much you are actually consuming. This is usually a huge eye-opener for most as a true portion size is much smaller than you might think. I also don't believe in restrictions. Psychologically, you are setting yourself up for failure when you tell yourself, "I can't eat this and I can't eat that." If you can moderate what you eat, then you can eat anything you want and as a result, the crazy food cravings will stop. This is how you can create a healthy LIFESTYLE for yourself instead of a continuous roller coaster of diets and unhealthy patterns of eating.
Of course, exercise is important for more reasons than weight loss so you should be moving your body regularly. My number one tip for an exercise program: Find something that you ENJOY! If you don't enjoy it, you are very unlikely to do it consistently.

Below are some common questions that I get or fads that I see going around regarding diet and weight loss. I'm providing some articles from another guy in the fitness industry that I think does an excellent job of answering some of these questions. His name is Carter Good and I agree with most that he has to say, and even better - he's lived it. He's gone through a huge transformation, but going from one extreme to the other and he's found a happy middle (just like I have). These are just a few of his articles, but you can search his Blog site for many others.
1. How much protein should I be eating?
2. "I'm eliminating all sugar from my diet." "Carbs are the devil - I'm not eating any carbs."
3. I love wine. (haha - don't we all!) This is a good one.. alcohol can definitely pack on the pounds, but like I said, "everything in moderation."

One last important note: Our physical health is directly related to our mental health. Take the time to address your feelings. What are direct triggers to your unhealthy or self-sabotaging behaviors? How can you avoid those triggers? What makes you unhappy? Can you change it? Dive deeper into these questions because this is the real work towards a happy, healthy, balanced human.
I've also been talking a lot about Nature and the positive role it plays in mental health. Even just getting out for a 20 minute walk (bundle up if it's cold outside - no excuses!) can make you feel so good! It's a great place to reflect and recharge.