One of the biggest challenges in fitness sometimes is just staying motivated to continue. If you're just starting out, it can be really exciting because everything is new. But what happens a couple months down the road when you're sick and tired of the same old thing? Here are some ideas to help you keep the momentum:
Change up your Music! Music is such a driving force - it really gets us into the "zone." But after hearing the same playlist over and over, it loses it's magic. Sometimes I'll hear a really good song playing at the gym - and I think, "Omg! I love this song - I haven't heard it in the longest!" Right away, I add it to my playlist before I forget, because if I just make a mental note to look it up later, I will totally forget.
Try a new class. What's going on in your neighborhood? There are so many new things out there lately, there is bound to be something that you've seen and thought, "I gotta try that!" Well, what are you waiting for? Do it now. Part of maintaining a fit lifestyle is enjoyment. It doesn't always have to be grueling - have some fun!
Take it outdoors! Of course, this is one of my favorites. It literally NEVER disappoints. Whether it's a jog, a walk, a hike.. or take your HIIT routine or plyo routine from indoors to outdoors. It changes everything. Nature is medicine for the soul! Check out this article on how Nature can literally act as medicine:

Give yourself a mini-challenge. Everybody who knows me knows I love to hike. Last week I set a mini-challenge for myself to complete 2 long distance hikes totaling 20 miles. I usually do anywhere from 1 to 3 smaller hikes a week - an average of 12 miles. I was so excited about it! I had to make a plan: map it out, schedule my breaks, pack my snacks, figure out my recovery plan, etc. Accomplishing it was actually second best to setting the goal and preparing for it.
New clothes. I won't lie, buying some new workout clothes or a new pair of kicks always makes me a little more excited about my workout!
Workout with a friend. Sometimes this is just the boost you need. Be careful, though, sometimes this can make you a slacker, too! Choose a friend that you know is going to work hard AND have fun at the same time.
Progress your workout. If you're doing a program on a regular basis, you should be getting stronger and better at it. Make sure it's not too easy for you now. If you're barely breaking a sweat during your routine, then you're not working hard enough. Try upping the weights or increasing the intensity of the workout.
Have some more ideas? I want to hear them! Please share in the comments below!
"You need to regularly search for challenges that push you to your edge while continuing to make enough progress to stay motivated."
-James Clear