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Healthy Tips for Travel

PhysInc Pilates

I LOVE to travel! While heading somewhere exotic is on my to-do list, I just love traveling around the United States, too. There are so many beautiful things to see! Plus, getting away gives us that reprieve from our daily routine - quality time to spend with loved ones, rest and recovery, delicious food to eat and new memories to last a lifetime.

So let's say you've been preparing for a trip. You've been working hard to get your body swimsuit ready and now it's finally time to show it off. So how do you enjoy your adventure without losing everything you've worked so hard for? You don't want to come home and be at square one all over again, do you? Good news, you won't have to if you follow some of my tips for travel!

1. Items to pack:

  • Lacross ball - For stiff muscles from car or plane travel.

  • Resistance band - The only equiment I ever pack! Takes up zero space and you can do a ton with it.

  • Healthy snacks: I always pack nuts, protein bars and protein powder (Pack a couple in your carry-on for the plane, but not too many unless you want to stand in line at TSA! Pack the majority in your suitcase). Pack ALL of your protein powder in your suitcase - TSA will definitely pull you over for it.

  • Workout clothes - A few items to get sweaty in. Don't forget your sneakers!

  • Ear buds - If you enjoy music during your workout.

2. Start with a healthy breakfast. Of course, you should enjoy the food while you travel - immerse yourself in the local cuisine! However, I do advise starting the day with something reasonable and healthy. Most hotels and restaurants offer yogurt, oatmeal and fruit (you can mix your protein powder in for extra protein and flavor). Or you can order a healthy omelet with veggies and a side of fruit or whole wheat toast. Something well-balanced and light.

3. Exercise! If you can, start the morning out with exercise: in the hotel gym, outside by the beach/mountains/forest - wherever you are, let the location inspire you. Do it right away before the day gets away from you. You will feel so good!

4. Walk as much as possible! Walk while you sight-see, walk to lunch, walk to dinner.. you get the picture. You know you are going to be consuming lots of calories on your trip, so burn some off as the day goes on. This is where good gym shoes are a smart idea!

5. Don't stress - Remember, this is your vacation. Enjoy living in the moment! These tips are for creating and keeping balance for long-term. When you return from trip, jump right into your normal health and fitness routine. If you do, those extra pounds you gained on your trip will be gone within a couple days.

Oceanside Pilates


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