As someone who has struggled with Anxiety for the last 15 years (and that's just being aware of it for the last 15 years.. It's been there for as long as I can remember), I thought I might write a little bit about my experiences with it. In no way, shape or form do I claim to be some sort of expert on the subject. I merely want to share what I have found to be very helpful. I don't know how many people I have met that experience the same struggles with anxiety, and yes, the depression that goes along with it. So why not talk about it?

I was about 30 years old when my stress and anxiety really caught up to me physically. I was planning a wedding, buying a new home, graduating from college, working 2 part-time jobs and just got my first puppy. There was a whole lot going on at once!! I remember sitting in class and I had just eaten a protein bar - the same bar I had been eating for years with no issues. Shortly after, I began to get this dull, uncomfortable feeling right below my rib cage in my upper abdominal area. It lasted for what seemed like an eternity. And then it went away and I felt totally fine. Until the next day after I ate, only this time it was a different food but nothing out of my ordinary routine. It started happening more frequently and becoming more and more intense.. I remember laying on the bathroom floor in the fetal position, in pain, nauseous, hot, sweating.. It was horrible and scary. As most of us do, I began to think the worst: stomach cancer. After going to the doctor and then a G.I. specialist, they diagnosed me with having peptic ulcers. Their treatment plan: anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications. I followed the plan and began taking the medications. I felt great for maybe a week. But then.. nothing. I literally felt nothing. Zero emotion. I got up, went to work, came home, ate dinner and went straight to bed. That became my routine after being on those medications for just a couple weeks. It was awful! I decided to wean myself off of them and hope for the best.
I was fine for several months and then got sick again. This was pretty much a pattern for me for the next 6 to 8 years. Sometimes I would be fine for an entire year but then it would return whenever I was feeling stressed. I really don't remember when I ever did not feel stressed.. but sometimes it would just bubble over into an unbearable amount until I thought I was going to explode inside. At some point I was diagnosed with GERD, Gastrointestinal Esophageal Reflux Disease. Anytime I developed more ulcers, the doctors would immediately want to prescribe me antacids and anti-depressants. None of which ever worked!
People who don't suffer from anxiety don't understand what you're going through, either, which makes it even more difficult. "Why do you worry so much? Why don't you just relax?" I describe anxiety as this ramped-up feeling of tense energy, an overly charged current of electricity that pulses through all of the nerves in your body which in effect tenses up all of your muscles. Sometimes I would catch myself not even breathing - so caught up in a stream of thought/worry that I wasn't even blinking my eyes and I was holding my breath. Completely uncontrollable. I wish it upon no person.
About a year and half ago I got another ulcer - the worst one I have ever had. I was in so much pain I could barely function - I could not work, eat, or sleep. I remember thinking, "Why is it so hard for me to handle life? These things that stress me out are no big deal. I know that in my mind, but I can't control the tension inside of me." My partner urged me to try his naturopathic doctor, which a few years ago I would have replied, "naturopathy is totally hoo-ha!" But I was desperate to get rid of this ulcer and I knew that traditional treatment had never served me, so I went. And boy, am I so thankful that I did! It took a little time, but we were able to get rid of the ulcer naturally and what I am most excited about is that I have been able to keep them away for so long. Not just the ulcers, but overall, my bouts with major anxiety are much less frequent.
Before I go into the natural regimen that I am using now, I have to mention that there is more to it than just supplements. For years, I have been making changes to my lifestyle as a result of the stress and anxiety. It's all trial and error, too.. just noticing how I feel after I do something. For example, I have noticed that whenever I am outdoors, I feel a great sense of calming and my spirit is lifted. As a result, I try and get outside as much as I can. Daily exercise also makes me feel better. I have made career changes - now this one is really difficult! I learned a long time ago that sitting at a desk stressing over a million deadlines for 8 hours made me miserable. But finding a job that is less traditional and being able to support yourself is very difficult and can also be very stressful. Having a strong support system is number one - it's important to have people in your life who understand and even if they don't, can sympathize and just be there for you. My point is, there is no ONE thing that is going to cure anxiety. I don't think it's possible to cure anxiety. I think you have to learn to deal with it the best you can by learning ways to ease the frequency and intensity of it.
Okay!! Here it is, the game changer for me: Magnesium! I would bet that most of us are deficient in magnesium, but if you are like me - a person who suffers greatly from stress and anxiety, then you are at more risk for being deficient in magnesium. What happens when you are deficient? Gastrointestinal issues, changes in blood pressure (high), insomnia, anxiety/depression, lack of energy, heart problems, muscle spasms, skin problems such as eczema, irritability, and more. Check it out - start doing a little research on the links between magnesium deficiency and anxiety. I have found that taking magnesium (in powder form) twice daily along with Daily Alkamind Minerals has helped me tremendously as far as my anxiety and stomach issues. As an athlete, the added bonus is that helps with muscle recovery.
When you have struggled for so long with anxiety and all the health issues that go with it and you finally find something that makes you feel so much better, you want to share it with everybody.. and that's why I wrote this blog. Of course, if you're not sure about the supplements, you can and should do your research and ask your doc before starting. These are all minerals found naturally in the body that most of us are deficient in. The daily minerals will help with the overall PH level in your body, which in turn will create a more alkaline environment. The more alkaline your body, the more able your body is to fight inflammation, disease and stress.
Like I said earlier, it's really a combination of lifestyle, diet and nutrition that has helped me. I absolutely still have days where I can feel that pulsing tension inside of me but they are much less frequent now. And when I'm having those days, I turn to those activities that I have discovered help to calm me inside.. like getting outside, doing pilates or just snuggling with my dog. What is it for you? Sewing, reading, tinkering in the garage, painting, riding your bike...??
I'm interested to hear what some of you have found helpful? Please share with me, I would love to hear!
Here are the links for the minerals and Magnesium: I prefer powdered form because it's more easily and quickly absorbed by the body.
1. Alkamind Daily Minerals
2. Magnesium Chelate Powder