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3 Exercises to Tighten Your Core & Relieve Back Pain

PhysInc Pilates

I've chosen 3 of my favorite core exercises that are perfect for all fitness levels and any type of body. All 3 are done with the spine in a neutral position so they are all safe for those with osteoporosis and/or active disc issues!

Exercise 1: (See video below)

Targets deep core muscles and obliques. Can be done with a single light weight dumbbell (1-5 lbs) or start with no weight at all to see how it feels. Lie on your back with your legs in a table top position (legs bent at a 90 degree angle), spine in neutral (just enough space under your lower back for a bug to crawl through) and arms up toward the ceiling at shoulder level. Hold your small weight in one hand. Without losing your form, on an inhale, open the weighted arm out to the side, stopping about 1 inch before it hits the ground. On your exhale, bring the arm back to it's starting position. Do 10 repetitions before changing sides. Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side.

Exercise 2: Dead Bugs (See video below)

Targets deep core muscles, lower abdominals and anterior oblique sling.

Lie on your back with your legs in a table top position (legs bent at 90 degrees), spine in neutral (just enough space under your lower back for a bug to crawl through) and arms up toward the ceiling at shoulder level. On an exhale, extend the opposite arm and leg at the same time. Make sure to keep the spine neutral (don't let your back arch and ribs pop). Inhale as you return to center. Keep alternating sides until you have completed 10 on each side. Perform 2 to 3 sets. Note: When you extend your arm and leg, they should hover above the ground (don't let them drop completely to the floor).

** Modifications: Keep the knees bent and reach the toe towards the floor instead of extending the whole leg. Progress to full leg extension when you are feeling stronger.

Exercise 3: Bird Dog (See video below)

On a mat, put yourself in a quadruped position (on hands and knees). Knees should be just below the hips and hands placed just below the shoulders. Keeping the spine in a neutral position (with a little bit of natural curve in your low back), extend the opposite arm and leg on an exhale. Exhale through pursed lips and draw your belly button up towards your spine. On an inhale, return to starting position. Continue to alternate sides until you have done 10 repetitions on each side. Do 2 to 3 sets.

Note: As you reach the opposite arm and leg out, imagine you are trying to reach the walls with your fingers and toes. Think "lengthen." Do not arch the back and reach the limbs up towards the ceiling. Always keep the spine neutral.

**Challenge: a)place a small ball on the small of your back while doing the exercise. Try not to let it roll off!

b) Keep the arm and leg extended and hold the position for 30 seconds or more.


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